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Private occupiers: tailor-made valuations for your diverse real estate needs

We support private occupiers of all sizes, from SMEs to multinational groups in all sectors: from industrial, services, new technology and logistics to commerce, tourism and health. Whatever your needs (acquisition, sale, closing of accounts, refinancing, etc.), BNP Paribas Real Estate - Valuation offers you customised real estate valuation services for each stage of the valuation process for your company's assets or those you wish to acquire. This gives you reliable and relevant estimates to guide your real estate strategy.

As a major player in real estate valuation, BNP Paribas Real Estate - Valuation provides quick and efficient valuation services throughout France and Europe. We adapt our methods to the varied needs and problems of private occupiers. Our teams of specialised experts carefully analyse the specificities of each asset, individually or within a portfolio: location, market, building and land characteristics, etc. Our valuers rely on databases based on our extensive history of valuations and on the Group's Research and Data Analysis departments.

Solutions adapted to your needs


A man standing in a room, looking at his phone

Your needs

Private occupiers are looking for reliable and informed real estate valuations to make the best arbitrations, whether it’s in the case of opening or closing a new location, exploiting a production site, acquiring an asset (in which they are a tenant) or outsourcing all or part of their real estate assets. Valuations also give them a complete overview of company value in the case of acquisition or sale.

Our solutions

BNP Paribas Real Estate - Valuation can perform valuations of both single properties and asset portfolios, regardless of asset type. Our valuers provide relevant counsel to private occupiers, so they can achieve the best valuation of their assets, whatever their goalswhether that’s supportinga growing company in its real estate approach, valuing all or part of a real estate portfolio in the context of a sale, or analysing the reconversion options of a site


A couple and a man sit at a table

Your needs

Private occupiers want to benefit from a precise assessment of the representative share of real estate in the value of their company and to include a utility value for production assets in their balance sheet. They should also be able to provide shareholders or partners with clear and up-to-date information on the market value of the company's real estate assets. 

Our solutions

For a first valuation, as much as for an update, our experts bring you their excellent knowledge of local markets in France and Europe, and their specialisation by asset type takes into account the subtleties of your assets, considering the location of real estate properties in relation to your sector and the local market, all while assessing the state of use of your buildings and applicable regulations. 


A group of business people sitting around a table for a meeting

Our needs

Real estate outsourcingsale and leaseback operations are strategic for private occupiers. For them, valuation is key in separating property from operations, freeing up capital for reinvestment in core business. This operation must be based on the thorough and reliablevaluation of the assets in question to ensure that refinancing takes place under the best conditions. 

Our solutions

As a founding member of AFREXIM, BNP Paribas Real Estate - Valuation guarantees private occupiers rigorous processes and absolute compliance with deadlines. Our REV and RICS experts value each asset within its own market and according to its particularities in order to achieve the most accurate valuation within the framework of the refinancing operation. 

They trust us


Our Belief

Our dedicated teams across France and Europe can meet the needs of private occupiers, regardless of size and asset type. The size of our multi-specialised teams and the strength of our regional and international network allow you to benefit from relevant and responsive real estate valuations.

Contact us

Our real estate experts bring you an answer adapted to your needs