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Valuation for retail assets: valuers for each asset type

BNP Paribas Real Estate - Valuation provides specialised valuers to assess each category of retail real estate assets. Our dedicated experts have the precise knowledge and criteria relevant to the specific characteristics of each of these assets, whether they are shops, large or medium-sized stores, shopping malls, retail parks, outlet centres, etc. 

Our valuations are based on our strong presence with major investors which gives us the opportunity to evaluate several hundred retail assets each year. The density of our local offices in France and Europe also enables our specialists to provide accurate property valuations, supported by the market points of our Research and Data Analysis department.

Our valuations


Our Belief

The quality of a property’s location and rental situation are primary criteria in the valuation of a retail asset. However, the development of e-commerce and digitised services is leading shopping malls and city-centre shops to constantly reinvent themselves in order to optimise sales per metre squared. These new trends will have an increasing impact on the valuation of retail real estate assets in future.

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